Springingtiger's Blog

At Last.


After some swithering, I have, at last, decided to bathe. I had thought just to crawl into my welcome bed, but the effort of dragging myself upstairs, awoke me sufficiently to draw my bath. And so now my aching body is soaking in a solution of Arnica salts.


Today has been the only day of this break  in which dry weather was assured. Needless to say, I, as so often in such circumstances, attacked my garden with injudicious gusto. I am happy to say this has been a day of accomplishment. I weeded my patio pots and replanted very many bulbs. I have moved those many pots, increased in number, from the lower, to the upper patio. I have swept and pressure washed the lower patio. I have done all this while supervising my granddaughters and their friends. I am, not only tired, but sore.

I had thought today that I had paced myself well. I stopped for my lunch and another short break, I varied my movements to engage different muscles; however, it seems I have merely succeeded in guaranteeing that my efforts have earned a reward of generalised myalgia and of exhaustion. It is a good tiredness, I wear it as a badge of honour.

I could have slept, I could have bathed and slept, but no. I have committed myself, for this year, to post to my blog every day, thus even had the warm water was doing its work, I was typing on my phone. I had good reason not to post, perhaps even, valid reason, but commitment is unreasonable. Commitment is a force that has us do that which we might, hitherto, have believed impossible, because we have spoken, or, in my case written. I have said every day I will post, so every day I shall. And now I go, at last, to my sleep, wrapped in a warm blanket of accomplishment…okay, yes it does look a lot like a cloak of unbearable smugness, but I assure you it’s no more than well earned satisfaction. Does that sound smug? Oh, I do hope not, actually I think I’m beyond caring. Good night


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