Springingtiger's Blog

The Greatness of an Open Mind

Yesterday I was at a seminar on the Three Principles led by Jack Pransky, it convinced me more than ever of the value of intuition and it’s power as a context for one’s life.


I have studied many disciplines over the years, many of those have tried to compel exclusivity and deny any way other than theirs. I remember when I was first involved with est many of its adherents rejected all other personal development systems, claiming est was best; I think they were right to think est was better than other approaches at that time, but not to deny others. Werner Erhard built est from the insights of other pioneers like Jose Silva and L. Ron Hubbard, had he a closed mind there would have been no est and consequently no forum. It takes an open mind to recognise the value of other people’s contributions.


The adherents of religions are particularly prone to closed minds. When one looks at the early years of Christianity we see many beliefs coexisting within the church, but with the establishment of the church as the official religion of the Roman Empire we see a restriction of the freedom of individuals to believe as intuition led them. Successive church councils defined the dogmas of the church until spiritual inspiration, when it occurred, occurred despite the church, not because of it, and was frequently eradicated as heresy, even movements like that inspired by St. Francis of Assisi were treated with suspicion and were lucky to survive the opposition of the establishment and grow. Christianity has an appalling record of persecution of not only those within the church who think differently, but also other faiths, particularly Judaism and Islam; however we should not allow our minds to be closed to the many church members who have struggled and died to promote justice. Christianity is not the only intolerant religion we can look to Sri Lanka for the wholesale persecution of Hindus by Buddhists, and to most of Asia for the determined attempt by Muslims to eradicate other faiths, including other Muslims. In whichever faith we examine we find where orthodoxy is enforced, spiritual inspiration is crushed whether it manifests in the poetry of Sufis or of saints like John of the Cross.


Within the personal development fields we find the same intolerance. Any veteran of the newsgroup Alt Healing Reiki will remember the determination of certain people to hijack Reiki, and enforce conformity on the community so that only those they approved would have been able to practice. A similar thing happened in Neuro Linguistic Programming with different bodies trying to impose their own standards. Even now we see courses being attacked for not providing enough classroom hours or whatever; unfortunately for the intolerant,  the founders of NLP have chosen to follow different models of NLP successfully, which merely demonstrates that there are several valid approaches.

One of the underlying problems, whether of religion or personal development, is that of self interest or, more accurately, selfishness. Some people have a scarcity belief that compels them to try and amass to themselves all wealth and power and deny anything to those who will not conform. This is why the most obvious characteristic of cults, religious organisations and of certifying organisations in the personal development fields is a complete lack of originality and inspiration. When we impose limits on the manifestation of inspiration, inspiration does not manifest. I tire of so-called spiritual teachers who show no evidence of genuine spiritual experience, but only an ability to parrot dogma. Equally I despair of people who believe that there is a right way to do NLP, forgetting that what drives the great practitioners of the art is a ferocious curiosity to discover new possibilities. One of the joys of Darren Eden’s work and of using my journal is that it only works if I open my mind and put aside my self interest and my beliefs.

Intuition only works with an open mind. It cannot be contained, it will not conform to belief. Every morning and night I call upon my intuition, and many times in between; I cannot make it conform, I can only accept it and sometimes I have to accept that it is telling me things I don’t like and don’t want to hear. If I choose to ignore the voice of intuition, the world won’t end but I will be driven by my beliefs and lose the possibility to expand beyond them. Intuition is the direct experience of life, beliefs are an interpretation of experience, not always one’s own. It is impossible to experience intuition through the filter of belief,. However we tend to, having experienced an intuitive insight, try to make it conform to our beliefs and even reject it if it won’t. The joy of living in intuition is freedom, it is terrifying, but it is aliveness. Beliefs and doctrine provide structure and security, they protect us from experience. Living by intuition is like being a Diceman; choose intuition and you are nakedly exposed to experience. Sometimes I have to wrap myself in belief just for respite, but having experienced intuition, I cannot help myself from returning again and again to experience that aliveness, even if it shows me that everything I knew about myself is merely illusory belief.


Saint Francis and the Lenten Fast
February 18, 2014, 23:30
Filed under: NLP, success, Travel | Tags: , , , , ,

The story is told of how, when St Francis found himself near Lake Trasimene at the the start of Lent he chose to spend the fast alone on one of the lake’s the islands, Maggiore. He was rowed across to the island on Ash Wednesday, taking with him only two loaves of bread. On Holy Thursday when his host came to take him off the island he discovered Father Francis had eaten only half a loaf. According to Brother Ugolino, the writer or editor of the Fioretti, the saint only ate the half loaf so that the glory of the Lenten Fast should be reserved to Jesus alone.

I could not help but compare the humility of Father Francis with the leaders of today’s “new age spirituality” and personal development movements. I have been involved with things like Reiki and NLP for many years and find it quite sad how desperately people strive for self aggrandisement. It is not enough to use the teachings and discoveries of those who have gone before, but it is essential to rebrand and copyright them, then cash in on them. I firmly believe that there is nothing wrong with earning a living, a good living even, but give credit where credit is due. Many years ago I did the est training, Werner Erhard created it from many sources, but those sources were acknowledged as anyone who read “Werner Erhard: The Transformation of a Man, The Foundation of est ” by WW Bartley, III will remember. However Werner’s course was an original creation bringing together his sources in a new and powerful way, sadly many of those who have used Werner’s work have not seen fit to acknowledge him, equally many have. I was chatting to Darren Eden at the weekend about some of my teachers and said he was, in my opinion, on the same level; he took it as a compliment and said, “it’s enough to be compared to Werner Erhard!” Of course Darren is secure enough in himself to acknowledge his sources, neither is monetary gain his priority. On the other hand there are many who must be seen not as a conveyor of truth, but as a chosen prophet their sources concealed, their debts unacknowledged, they advertise themselves and package enlightenment or sanctity as a commercial product. Along with the DVD of their course, or whatever, you can buy your own Angel set with your birthstone, perhaps a set of cards to aid your search for truth. Still none of this is new, as long as people have been seeking enlightenment or God, there have been people happy to seize upon the business opportunity the gullible present.

I am reminded once more of the Fioretti which tells of how much Francis disliked anyone to call him “Master” because of that same humility that had him eat the half loaf on his Lenten Fast. He was very present to St Matthew’s Gospel which said to him, “he that is greatest among you shall be your servant and whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted”. Today the village that grew on Maggiore after St. Francis’ visit is still there, the Friars Minor and the other Franciscan orders still work in the world although, around them, the Church has contracted and come under criticism. It seems to me that Francis knew what he was doing and some of our modern self appointed “spiritual teachers” may have got things backwards.

Self Definition?

There is a power in being able to define ourselves, as ethnic minority activists know hence the term “self defined as black”, however we do not get to choose most of the labels we bear. Sometimes our labels define us as I said in my blog post, Do We Allow Autism to Define Us?. We have two sorts of problematical labels, those of which we are aware and those of which we are not. If we look at the labels of which we are aware, the labels we use of ourselves, and apply them to rigorous analysis we will find that we did not originate most of them, but that they were given to us by others. This applies not only to the negative labels like, stupid, retard, weird, nerd, geek etc., but also to the positive labels, witty, clever, attractive. Unfortunately most of us seem to be more ready to accept of ourselves, the negative labels. These labels are not inherent to us but merely the opinions of others, often not even the opinions of others, but a word used under particular circumstances at a particular time, however the emotion and the context may have given the thought excessive charge.

Perhaps even more deadly are the labels of which we are not aware. These are the thoughts about ourselves that have been installed in our unconscious of which our conscious has no knowledge, some of these will even date back before we had the capacity to even articulate them ourselves. Because we have no awareness of these labels, we cannot identify them in order to remove them. Sometimes some will present to conscious, but many will remain quietly in our unconscious shaping our opinions, beliefs and self image. Much of who we think we are is not based on knowledge, but on installed beliefs, most of which are not even ours.

We are trapped within an image created by beliefs, but we do not have to remain there, there are ways of handling the beliefs with which we have been programmed. Where the beliefs can be identified we may use a number of NLP belief change techniques, but the unconscious beliefs can also be challenged at levels of various depth. Time Line Therapy (TM) can be used to identify and discharge past traumas and the beliefs and limiting decisions they have given us. Emotional Freedom Technique and Matrix Re-imprinting which was developed from it are also powerful ways of accessing installed beliefs while bypassing the conscious mind. I am not sure how the Access Consciousness Bars work, however my experience of them is that they seem to short circuit the internal wiring of the mind, they also seem to be related to meridien work. What I do know is that when my bars are being run I relax so deeply I fall asleep, but Reiki does that too. I suspect that their effectiveness will not be empirically proven for some time, I do hope an experiment is designed that can properly evaluate them, but for now, I suspect, our knowledge is too limited. I also find that the Access Consciousness Clearing Statement is a very powerful tool for shifting beliefs, even when I am not fully aware of what they are or from where they came. Of course, the classic way of accessing the unconscious is through hypnosis, which can also be used for reprogramming beliefs.

Language is key to our programming, the world exists as we describe it. Language is also the primary medium of change in most of the technologies to which I have referred. I think it was Wayne Dyer who said that the two most pernicious statements in our language are, “I can’t do it” and “I’m not well”. The first operates on a level of Belief the other on the even deeper level of Identity so today I am not even saying, “I have flu”, but rather, I have symptoms which some may consider symptomatic of influenza” thus putting everything on the level of action and the easiest place to make changes is in our actions, it also puts distance between me and the sensations removing any emotional charge that might impede my freedom to act.

I have already talked about how my first foray into Stand Up Comedy has transformed my life and it is a change operating on the identity level. What I did by standing on stage and making people laugh was to change who I had been being. I also negated the stereotypes and labels which had been applied to me by myself and others. I effectively rebooted my entire belief system and allowed myself to be who I say I am, and I can be whoever I choose, this could be interesting.

My Left Knee
January 5, 2011, 06:54
Filed under: Uncategorized | Tags: , , ,

During the “Big Freeze” as the media called it, I struggled manfully in to work on foot, through the snow. Unfortunately the difficult walking conditions have somehow caused me to wrench my knee and — as yet — a couple of weeks later it is not better. It wakes me from an exhausted sleep after a couple of hours and requires the return of exhaustion to allow further sleep. For various reasons I do not have ready access to strong painkillers so — driven to my computer by — insomnia I have determined on a new project. Without painkillers, I am going to restore my knee to its former happy state using only Emotional Freedom Technique and Reiki. If all is not well by the twelfth I shall consult a physician –I am not daft — stand by for the results!